FSA and Portico

FSA is now in partnership with Portico for digital content preservation. All our contents will be preserved in Portico from now on.

FSA and Crossref

FSA is now a member of Crossref and offering all variety of Crossref services to its clients. Our services include content registration, reference linking, participation in iThenticate, cited-by and other support services.

Clinical Laboratory Assay Design

Are you a clinical laboratory services operator? You are planning to offer new assays to your customers? You are looking for expertise who can help to do so? Frontier Science Associates can help you. Either you need to compare existing methods and technology or you want to design customized in-house assay, our professional team can […]

Research Consultancy

Frontier Science Associate helping researchers to design research themes, optimizing methodology and write up of research reports. If you are designing a research project and looking for experts who can help you to at any step then our professional team will pull all of their efforts to do so. Please feel free to contact us […]

Journal Management Solutions

You have a journal for your organisation or institution and looking for professional services for journal management? Frontier Science Associates are here to help you. We provide professional solutions from starting a journal to online journal management solutions to digital archiving and indexing. Feel free to contact us for your journal management. Email: info@frontierscienceassociates.com

Academic and Scholarly Publishing

Frontier Science Associates publishes multiple scholarly journals in domains of social sciences, life sciences, environmental sciences and engineering. All new disciplines are welcome. We are always looking for new people with new ideas. If you want to start a journal or services for an existing journal, please do not hesitate to contact us. For querries: […]

Academic and Scholarly Publishing

Frontier Science Associates is currently publishing following scientific journals: Annals of Gulf Pakistan Journal of Medicine and Surgery The International Journal of Frontier Sciences